We’ve been working through this strange mix of sunny days and fire fog. Nice to be warm and all, but also, nice to breathe. We're praying for rain.
Until the air clears, most of the team is happy to be working on indoor projects.
But whatever the weather, our mission is to show up, do great work and help our clients realize their dreams.
Here’s how things are coming along across town:
The Den at 13th Ave W received an important delivery from Nathans cabinet workshop: a beautifully joined and finished walnut cabinet and an integrated wine cooler. The look is both subtle and refined. Excellent craftsmanship Nathan! Bogdons tile work around the hearth is finished and grouted. It will capture and radiate heat for an even indoor climate once colder days arrive.
At the Orcas house, we relocated a ceiling light and finished sanding the sheetrock on the stairs. We’re now turning our attention to the Kitchen remodel, working with the client to finalize the placement of bamboo shelves, countertops and doors. We met together onsite to confirm and place the order of plumbing fixtures, drains etc.
And at the Meridian house, so much is going on!
We ripped out the old ceiling from the original bedroom and den, hauling off the old lathe and plaster. Then we moved the ledger to it’s new height and installed new ceiling joists to expand the height of the rooms. Raphael and Javier have been framing out the interior of the addition and working out the placement of the French doors.
Nathan finished building the upper kitchen cabinets and helped us load and transport them to the house. They’re gorgeous and fit perfectly.
Outside we attached straps to the house exterior walls. Raphael and Javier fit and began to install the fascia.
This fire restoration project is so extensive, it feels as if we are building a brand new home.
Follow along as we transform houses into dream homes.